hcchien writes "Following the very successful P3P'03 (Perl, PHP, Python Party) last year, Taipei.pm is happy to announce the upcoming YAPC::Taipei in 2004. YAPC::Taipei::2004 will take place on 27th-28th, March 2004; the topic of this conference is "Projects for Developers", where we will unveil "OpenFoundry", a collaboration environment based on widely-used Perl projects such as Mason, RT, Sympa and Kwiki. Invited speakers include Dave Rolsky (Mason core team member), Brian "Ingy" Ingerson (author of Kwiki and Inline) and Jesse Vincent (author of RT). The OpenFoundry project leader, Autrijus Tang, will also give talks about the system. Among other notable talks is Chia-Liang Kao's "svk" project, a distributed version control system built on his previous work of subversion/perl.
Please direct inquiries to the conference organizer, Hsin-Chan Chien. Details will be announced on http://taipei.pm.org/ in due time."