gav writes "I have stepped into the new public relations role at The Perl Foundation. I'll be resurrecting the newsletter and providing news about TPF activities. If you have any TPF related news or questions please email me ( One thing I will be doing is reporting on the events over the last few months, including the YAPCs and the latest round of grants."
"TPF is also looking to fill a new role, one of grant manager. Each grant manager will handle a few active grants at TPF: initiating contact with the grantee, helping to clean up their proposal for the website, working out a schedule for the development, following up with the grantee to make sure they have everything they need to complete the grant, helping to clean up their post-development report for the website, etc. It needs more organizational skills and an eye for details than anything else. If we can find 3-4 grant managers, it'll mean none have to handle more than 1 or 2 grants at a time, so it's fairly light work. If you are interested, or would like more details, get in touch with Alison Randal ("