use Perl Users Are People!

pudge on 2003-01-21T22:14:19

We've modified the code that handles your relationships (friends, foes, friends of friends, etc.); please let me know in a reply to this article if you see any weirdness going on. Thanks!

Still having problems

mshiltonj on 2003-01-21T23:03:00

I can't get my relationships with my manager or co-workers to work right. Can you fix those, too?

Re:Still having problems

babbage on 2003-01-22T04:33:04

Work harder & they'll work right. Get off the web & back to work you slob, a lot of people would strangle somebody to be working these days!


Re:Still having problems

dlc on 2003-01-24T20:22:10

mshiltonj, don't listen to babbage, he doesn't know what he's talking about (no one at work likes him. ;)

Re:Still having problems

babbage on 2003-01-24T20:30:16

That's it, your copy of "Office Space" is going in the trash...

broken links

boo_radley on 2003-01-22T04:38:22

on the "Your relationship with..." page, the links to the faq in "Curious what these icons mean or where you change their values?" are broken :

Re:broken links

bart on 2003-01-22T11:38:17

Actually, I noticed this a few days ago, i.e. likely before these new changes. I think it's just that Slashcode's FAQ is not available through That's naughty! ;-)

Related subject...

jordan on 2003-01-22T14:53:04

It appears that moderation is turned off on use.perl as I haven't seen a moderated post in a long time.

That's fine, but I wish you would disable the code that produces the "Have you Meta Moderated Today?" as there's never any Moderations available, at least to me, for Meta Moderation.

I guess I could set myself unavailable for (Meta)Moderation, but I'd like to moderate again, if it ever gets turned on again.

Re:Related subject...

belg4mit on 2003-01-23T19:48:07

Actually I wish moderation would come back.
I was wondering if it I just wasn't managing
to hit the sweet spot or what.

But if it is to stay away it seems pointless to have the "Karma Bonus" (revently renamed?)
checkbox when posting.

Re:Related subject...

babbage on 2003-01-25T02:40:41

They seem to be tinkering with the karma / friends systems, maybe turning off moderation is a way to see how people interact with the system in the absence of other scoring going on. At a guess. If you haven't poked around recently, take a look at the comments section of your user settings -- there's a lot of settings in there that I hadn't noticed before recently...

What's new?

chicks on 2003-01-22T17:13:57

I saw this mentioned on slashcode as well, but I still can't figure out what's new about it. What's supposed to be different?

Broken page layouts

babbage on 2003-01-24T14:57:09

At least a couple of the page templates you're using -- basic user information (the version listing comments, accepted stories, etc), main story pages, etc -- are displaying very wrong for me right now. I'm using Crazy Browser [dumb name, but it's just a wrapper around IE/Windows that gives IE browser tabs, so treat this as an IE bug], and haven't yet tried this on any other browser.

For every user page I have checked so far, there is a huge blank space between the top header bar & the actual page content -- as in, probably a dozen or twenty screens or more of blank space. I didn't notice anything obviously broken in the HTML source, but something ain't right. I'm assuming that you know about this glitch already, but just in case....

Re:Broken page layouts

Herkemer on 2003-01-24T18:27:27

It looks like the blank space at the top comes from the little user bio that's been inserted to the right. It's most annoying on folks that have written lots about themselves on their bio page.

Re:Broken page layouts

babbage on 2003-01-24T18:51:28

Okay, but my bio page is empty, and yet I'm seeing it on my user's pages (& others' too).

Looking closer, I agree -- the breakdown is happening somewhere between the new user info box at the semi-top right of the page (below the title/search banner) and above the bar for $user's comments or (depending on the page) the control bar for setting comment display preferences. If there's a Related Links box (as on articles), it appears where it's supposed to.

I've verified now that the pages are broken on IE6/W2k and Crazy Browser / Win98 [which share the same IE rendering libraries], but not broken on IE5.2.1/OSX, Safari/OSX or Phoenix0.5/W2k.