Free Online Version of Mason Book

KM on 2003-01-09T13:35:13

An anonymous coward writes "Dave Rolsky wrote to the mason list:

I've just put up the free online version of Embedding Perl in HTML with Mason. This version incorporates all the reported errata (plus a few _really_ tiny nits I found), and is complete except that I have not yet finished the code to generate the index, and there are surely other rough edges waiting to be found.

Once I'm confident that those rough edges are polished up, I'll make the book's source (in a POD-alike created by ORA) available, along with the code that converts it to HTML.

Many thanks to O'Reilly and Associates for agreeing to license the book under the OPL (with option B), which is what makes it possible for us to make the book available.

The book's website is at"