ActivePerl 5.8 Released

pudge on 2002-12-13T13:42:59

perigrin writes "The final release of ActivePerl 5.8 is out. Also note that Randy Kobes has provided a new repository with updated mod_perl packages for the 5.8 Windows crowd."

Modules missing in Repository

hemabe on 2002-12-13T21:55:17

Currently I have problems with existing programs, due to missing modules like DBD::mysql, Tk::TableMatrix.

Did someone compiled theses modules allready?

thanks, Hermi

Re:Modules missing in Repository

RobertX on 2002-12-14T19:42:22

I actually went back to ActiveState 5.6 because of some missing modules.

I wonder how long it takes the modules to catch up?

Re:Modules missing in Repository

djberg96 on 2002-12-15T02:48:06

Authors are free to provide there own ppm files, so you can always "encourage" the authors to update them (or try and convert them yourself, then submit them to A.S.). Otherwise, expect up to 6 months.

Re:Modules missing in Repository

perigrin on 2002-12-15T21:24:32

Randy has put DBD::mysql and other useful packages into his repository. As for others packages, I've found this to be true with Activestate's 5.6.1 release compared with the relative ease of CPANPLUS and gcc on a unix box.