Paul Barry writes "Just installed RedHat 8 and was delighted to see that it includes Perl 5.8.0 as standard. Cool." Nice that even a mostly Python shop like Red Hat is keeping up.
And mod_perl
jmerelo on 2002-11-28T07:10:43
Yes, and it includes a beta version of mod_perl, and a version of apache with mod_cgi broken. If you have a production website, wait a bit until you move to RH 8.0
Problems with Redhat 5.8.0
Wern't there some problems with the 5.8.0 binary that ships with redhat - I know the Template Toolkit list has been seeing some bug reports from users of that system.
Mark ferrets around a bit in archives
Ah, yes, it was mentioned in a P5P Summary
CGI problems?
jorton on 2002-12-12T08:46:06
file bugs on how CGI is broken in 8.0.