1998 Perl Conference CD Online

gnat on 2002-09-03T23:34:40

gnat writes "The 1998 Perl Conference CD is online on perl.org. Enjoy the blast from the past (was this Damian's first public appearance?)" (thanks to Daniel Berger for packratting the CD!)

1998 Perl Conference CD Online

yumpy on 2002-09-04T02:11:09

I'm glad to finally have a chance to correct a mistake in the printing of the original conference CD, where my "Beautifier for the Perl Language" article shows up as a 0-byte file. I'd appreciate it if somebody would copy the article I submitted for the CD, from the page on the Consultix web site to the on-line version of the CD, to correct this age-old problem. Or better yet, get in touch with me, and I'll send you a tarball with all the images included.


Re:1998 Perl Conference CD Online

yumpy on 2002-09-04T16:12:18

On second thought, there *are* no images for that paper, so the page on the Consultix web site tells the whole story. (I was thinking of my TPC5.0 paper on Perl beautification, which uses some image files.)

Additional missing items

mike_arms on 2002-09-05T20:26:50

Under the User_Applications directory, there are four links that do nothing: FreeWRL, FreeWRLs, PDL, PDLs .

Also, in Applied_Perl/Portable Perl/index.html, there is a link "Portable Perl" to http://conference.perl.com/pace/conf/Portable_Perl which does not exist.

Just wondering if these can be corrected?

Re:Additional missing items

djberg96 on 2002-09-10T18:55:35


I think that was a goof on the CD itself (the other poster mentioned something about this as well). I'll double check the contents when I get home tonight, but I did note that some index.html files were blank.

If that's the case, then the only hope is to contact the original presenter of each topic and hope they have an original (or reasonable facsimile) somewhere tucked away or on a web site.

Re:Additional missing items

djberg96 on 2002-09-14T14:59:21

Quick followup. The four links you want under User_Applications are as follows:





As for the Portable Perl link, I think you'll have to take it up with ORA.