Two OSCON Lightning Talks Online

gnat on 2002-08-30T22:37:06

gnat writes "The first two OSCON 2002 lightning talks are available from the website. They are Dan Brian on "What Sucks and What Rocks" (in QuickTime and mp3), and Brian Ingerson on "Your Own Personal Hashbang" (in QuickTime and mp3). Enjoy!"

gnat writes "The first two OSCON 2002 lightning talks are available from the website. They are Dan Brian on "What Sucks and What Rocks" (in QuickTime and mp3), and Brian Ingerson on "Your Own Personal Hashbang" (in QuickTime and mp3). Enjoy!"

If you want MPEG, OGG, AVI, or anything else then you'll have to produce them yourself. If you do, send 'em to me and we'll put them on the site. Thanks!
