davorg writes "The nms project has stepped slightly outside of its remit to rewrite Matt Wright's scripts. We've released nms_sendmail which is a standalone, pure-perl replacement for sendmail (or, at least, for the parts of sendmail that you need to send emails from a CGI program). Its main purpose is so that people whose web server is on a Windows machine can use our formmail program with needing sendmail -- all you need is access to an SMTP server."
Can we add an option to the poll, now?
2shortplanks on 2002-05-01T21:29:04
No, no no, that's not statically valid. We'll have to start up a new poll and then do the whole thing again for another five months;-)
chromatic on 2002-05-02T00:36:03
no modules, silly!
Re:some history ?
jdavidb on 2002-05-08T15:19:19
Binaries wouldn't fix the security flaws. It's not just that the code looks bad; it's that the things that are wrong with the code translate into real problems.
I believe Matt has basically said that people are welcome to use his programs, but he is aware that they have problems and is no longer interested in fixing them (he's gone on to other things). I may have imagined I read that, though.
Re:some history ?
rabbits77 on 2002-05-08T15:48:17
Of course a binary woudn't fix problems. I didn't imply that at all. A binary would help *conceal* the problem until the symptoms showed up instead of failing at code review stage. Oh yeah, and it was a joke. Now that summer is upon us , in my hemisphere anyway, maybe you can go outside and find a sense of humor.Re:some history ?
jdavidb on 2002-05-08T16:45:28
Sorry, man. I didn't realize the joke. Since there are plenty of people who think the only problem with Matt's scripts is that the "Perl cabal" thinks they're bad scripts, it didn't seem farfetched to me that someone might think compiling them to binaries would be fine, because no one would ever know it was bad code. I was trying to be helpful and provide more information. If you already knew that, great! Maybe it will help someone else.
Re:some history ?
davorg on 2002-05-09T11:07:49
I've been in touch with Matt quite a lot over the last few months. He's recently released a new version (1.92) of formmail which fixes just about all of the insecurities and prevents it being used as a spam-relay.
All the scripts still use pretty nasty code tho'. Matt doesn't see that as an issue although he freely admits that he was just learning to program when he wrote those scripts.
He's also talked about linking to nms from the MSA web site, but that hasn't happened yet.
No mention is made of the security issues and etc of MSA scripts. It appears it was printed in 2001 so perhaps it might be a good idea for you to let them know about the issues and about NMS.
Re:O'Reilly recommends MSA scripts!?
davorg on 2002-05-09T11:12:48
I spotted this some time ago and have already brought it to the attention of O'Reilly. Of course I wouldn't complain if other people did as well...