Call for YAS quotes

ziggy on 2002-03-06T19:35:00

Have you attended a YAPC? Do you frequent Perlmonks? Are you an active Perl Monger? Have you or your company donated to the Perl Foundation?

If you or your organization have participated in these or other YAS activities, we want to know about it. We are seeking testimonials from companies and individuals that have benefitted from YAS events and programs.

Please send your comments to Lisa Nyman, <> or Adam Turoff <>, and be sure to include your name and organization.


What kind?

darobin on 2002-03-08T15:25:07

When you say "testimonials", do you have anything particular in mind? I have quite clearly benefitted from YAS' actions, but I don't have much inspiration to write about it. Is it just a name + email? Is it a short line saying "Wow, only two weeks using YAS and now my breath is fresh, my coffee tastes better, and my girlfriend has returned" ?

Re:What kind?

ziggy on 2002-03-08T17:03:22

We're looking for the kind of quote that highlights Perl, YAS and YAS activities. For example:
  • how you learned something at YAPC or at a Perl Mongers meeting that helped you win a bid, or save your company or your client thousands of dollars
  • how you found out about a module through Perlmonks that did exactly what you needed exactly when you needed it
  • why donating lots of money to the Perl Founation is a sound business move for your business
  • reasons why YAPC is such a great value to you and your company
Of course, if you want to tell us how you met your spouse at YAPC, and have whiter teeth and fresher breath as a result, we're interested in those stores, too. :-) We're not as interested in stories about better tasting coffee.

Re:What kind?

hfb on 2002-03-08T17:46:56

I suppose you wouldn't be interested in Sun being very generous to CPAN recently then.

Re:What kind?

krellis on 2002-03-11T14:46:55

C'mon, this is the Open Source (and by Open Source I mean Free Software and all the other warring factions, too) community we're talking about. There's no group/organization in the world better at completely ignoring any positive contributions made by anyone in favor of negative ones that they can harp on until they're blue in the face.

Re:What kind?

hfb on 2002-03-11T18:03:45

That's because it is easier to villify Sun for being the evil maker of Java and not being more 'open source' than to commend them for including perl and kstat with solaris 8 and up...and for giving CPAN an E250 for the search engine which will hopefully be installed later this week to alleviate the peak demand.

I'll post an announcement when it goes online so that, hopefully, people will feel moved to thank them and remember the next time they wish to rant about the evils of Sun that they helped us out when we needed it.

And yes, Open Source is very good at making enemies it doesn't need to make.

Re:What kind?

ziggy on 2002-03-12T00:59:25

I've re-read the thread, and I still don't see where a call for testimonials about Perl, YAS and so on turned into a villifcation of Sun, Solaris or anyone not adhering to the Open Source Definition. Nor do I see how a request for testimonials (i.e. quotes about positive results from using Perl) is equivalent to "open source ... making enemies".

So let's put the vitriol aside, and allow me to reiterate:

We're looking for the kind of quote that highlights Perl, YAS and YAS activities.
If Sun has something good to say about Perl, YAS or YAS activities, we'd love to hear about it. The addresses listed above are always open if you have a story or want to forward contact information about someone who has something good to say.