jdavidb writes "O'Reilly is publishing a book with the enticing title of Computer Science and Perl, actually the first of three volumes of best articles from The Perl Journal. Sounds like an instant best-seller to me. I wouldn't be surprised if everyone but me already knew this."
It is well-known by many people, since O'Reilly contacted the authors of the articles to appear in the books, but I don't know that it's been widely reported. In any event, I've not seen the books online until now.
Re:TPJ Articles Reprinted by O'Reilly
barryp on 2002-03-07T12:12:41
If I read the description on the ORA website correctly, I think they have expanded the explanations... Re:TPJ Articles Reprinted by O'Reilly
jjohn on 2002-03-07T14:21:21
Some of the articles have been updated. In particular, I just finished working on my Mason article. My LDAP article will also appear in one of these volumns. It's all pretty durn cool. All those TPJ articles have been very useful to me (and others) other the years. Thanks, Jon Orwant, for giving these gems one last reprive.
In notice that the second and third volumes of the set are called:
Web, Graphics & Perl/Tk Programming and [the third one]
Re:keep abreast of the latest items in the beastia
jdavidb on 2002-03-07T21:54:52
It also sometimes updates around the 15th.
Re:keep abreast of the latest items in the beastia
m2 on 2002-03-15T11:47:54
Since I can't never remember to "check arround the start of each month" but I read my mail everyday, here:
#!/usr/bin/perl -l
use warnings;
use strict;
use LWP::Simple;
use HTML::TreeBuilder;
use constant NEW_TITLES => 'http://ora.com/catalog/new.html';
use constant CATALOG => 'http://ora.com/catalog/';
my $content = get(NEW_TITLES);
defined($content) or die "Request for " . NEW_TITLES . " failed";
my $tree = HTML::TreeBuilder->new_from_content($res->content);
foreach my $td ($tree->look_down('_tag', 'td')) {
my $h3 = $td->look_down('_tag', 'h3');
my $ul = $td->look_down('_tag', 'ul');
next unless defined($h3) and defined($ul);
print $h3->as_text, "\n", '=' x length($h3->as_text), "\n";
foreach my $li ($ul->look_down('_tag', 'li')) {
print "* ", $li->as_text;
my $link = $li->look_down('_tag', 'a');
if ($link) {
my $href = $link->attr('href');
if ($href !~ m,^/,) {
print " ", CATALOG, $href;
print "";
$tree->delete;Have fun.
Re:keep abreast of the latest items in the beastia
pemungkah on 2002-03-21T15:00:35
Changing $res->content to $content works better.:) Thanks for the script!
Re:600 pages?
Fletch on 2002-03-11T14:49:16
Well, also consider that TPJ was printed on 8.5"x11" pages, whereas this book's probably going to be the standard ORA page size (7"x9.125" by my ruler).
Re:600 pages?
mako132 on 2002-03-14T00:15:55
The Perl Cookbook is 791 pages. Since that's the fattest Perl book I have, I think I can manage.
Like all the other O'Reilly books, this is probably softcover. I'd pay (I mean my job would:) more for hardcover, so it could sit next to my Knuth books.