Jesse writes "I'm pleased to announce the public beta of, a public bug tracking system for every distribution in the CPAN. Anybody can use the public interface to look at current and past bugs in distributions and to report new bugs.
Over the next couple weeks, I'd like the community to put the system through its paces, so we can work out the kinks before we invite the masses to start reporting bugs.
Authors can sign in with their PAUSE credentials to work with and resolve bugs. If you don't have a PAUSE account or if RT's concept of your list of distributions looks wrong, send mail to and I'll take care of it.
In addition to the web interface, anyone can report a bug in a distribution by sending mail to (ex:"
Thanks, Jesse. I've heard a lot of good things about RT, and this is another great service that the Perl community can offer to developers.
Thank you
You and Dave Cross are my heros of the "Just STFU and do it" revolution
(And if each package page on & were hyperlinked to the corrisponding buglist on
Re:auto bug reports from cpantest
jns on 2001-11-08T09:36:02
I'm sure this can be fixed - I'll have a look at it some time today....
I remember in the early days of cpan-testers there were a lot of complaints from authers that bug reports were put in such a public place before they had a chance to address them.
Re:It should be optional
ziggy on 2001-11-09T19:24:42
Some authors (notably DCONWAY) have cited that they receive too much email as it is, and adding another channel to send bug reports is likely to be ignored. In those cases, the presence of a page to receive bug reports that will be ignored by the author will likely give the appearance that the module is buggy/dead, or that the author doesn't care (when in fact the author doesn't want to spend time weeding out duplicate/bogus reports and would rather write modules instead).Nevertheless, having a central bug report repository is certainly a step in the right direction. The issues that Graham (and Damian) raise are just tweaks, not fundemental flaws.
Re:It should be optional
gbarr on 2001-11-10T03:35:51
Exactly, I did not mean anything else.Re:It should be optional
hfb on 2001-11-09T21:55:13
Well, do take some care not to discourage someone who has some enthusiasm and is putting his money where his mouth is. The person who does something as opposed to whines, bitches and generally postulates about problems is a rare breed....please to not be making them extinct
:) I think bugs for public source/open source software should be the same since it would seem to be contradictory to have it open source with closed bug reports. Noone writes perfect code and it should be publicly available information.
Also, I don't think the intent was to force authors into using the system but it can't hurt for authors to at least try it and see if it works for them. I've heard a lot of good feedback and maybe Jesse can make it so the few who adamantly don't wish to use it can make it so that there is at least a pointer the authors bug list or a 'FOAD I don't write bugs in my CODE' page where a bug list would have been.
:) Give the system a chance. Hey, remember the 'mailing list for every module' idea....?