hfb writes "Do you have a module you love? A group of modules you waded through to find the right one for something you were working on? A module that left you scarred for life?
blight on 2001-11-02T12:36:44
Please post them here. use Perl; could really use some more content.Re:hmm...
_bitwise on 2001-11-02T13:23:47
Actually, the Algorithm Alley column name is already used in Dr. Dobb's Journal. I knew it sounded familiar when it was suggested at the meeting. I was just reading the latest DDJ and flipped to Algorithm Alley. Rats!Re:hmm...
hfb on 2001-11-02T15:35:33
Sure, submit them to use Perl;
:) We don't require exclusive rights to material.
And I rely heavily on modules in other articles I've written for IBM DeveloperWorks. I can allow most of them (depending on the IBM publishing date because of the contract; the three above are OK) to be republished for free, if anyone is interested.
Re:articles on modules some might find interesting
hfb on 2001-11-02T15:43:34
Nice articles
:) I'm looking for anything module related as unrestrained creativity could produce some interesting articles. I'm working on an article that will describe my painful quest for a perl/apache photo album comparing 2 apache modules and 3 scripts/modules that are not on CPAN. It doesn't have to be for the high-end tea drinking crowd :) Re:articles on modules some might find interesting
Matts on 2001-11-02T20:59:34
Damn damn, DAMN!
I'm just working on AxKit::PhotoAlbum. Though it's proving slower (to develop) than I'd prefer. I mean I had to write XML::LibRSVG first (for the SVG thumbnails, in case you couldn't guess):-) Re:articles on modules some might find interesting
jns on 2001-11-03T14:12:57
But Matt, I couldn't get it to work matey:)