
KM on 2001-09-17T12:32:03

ask bjoern hansen writes "Loads of work has been going into parrot in the last days. You can check it out with cvsweb or download a snapshot from

We have moved from a failing box where Ask lives to a proper environment on a box dedicated just for that service (and issue tracking). We have also shaped up the authentication system so it's really easy to give access to new users and to allow us to host more projects. So if you need CVS for a Perl related project, please let us know at cvs at"


pudge on 2001-09-18T13:13:53

That rocks, cool. ask++

Parrot is fun

gnat on 2001-09-18T16:47:50

This takes me back to my days programming 6502 assembly language on the C64. I wonder who'll be first to write a SID chip extension? :-)
