hfb writes "The box that hosts lists.perl.org, mirror.cpan.org, history.perl.org, *.cpan.org, perlcabal.com, and search.cpan.org has been on the missing in action list for the last week due to my being on holiday away from the net and it deciding that it doesn't like its boot disk.
All of the mailing lists @perl.org and @cpan.org are not affected by this outage, only the web sites listed and a few personal email accounts.
The box may be back as early as tomorrow but that will depend on the generosity of the one or two people who may have the time to go into the machine room where it sits at wustl.edu and fix the disk issues it appears to be having at the moment. If it becomes clear that the box is not coming back tomorrow then I will bring up the sites on another box by wednesday.
In the interim, search.cpan.org can be reached at its evil twin, http://gargoyle.webster.edu/ directly if you have problems reaching it otherwise. For all the other sites, you'll just have to be patient.
Also, if anyone knows a good plumber in the Boston area, drop me an email at elaine@nic.funet.fi."
No automated pager at 2 am if the site doesn't respond to pings for 10 minutes?
No boss or supervisor calling you every hour demanding to know why the site isn't up right now? And what are you doing about it?
No list of 500 email messages from users complaining they can't read the site?
No list of angry affiliates or content-partners moaning about the fact they their sites are serving up stale content because you're not giving them updates and you're making their site look bad in their customers' eyes and if this isn't resolved immediately they're going to expect a reduction in this months bill or they'll start pursuing alternative sources for your service?
No pair of bleary-eyed techies called into the office to make sure that the drive is replaced and the data is restored ASAP?
No manager trying to collect incident data on this -- while you're still working on resolution -- to document it so it doesn't happen again, and if it does, to make sure downtime is minimized?
None of that?
Are you hiring?