Neil Bauman writes "Perl Whirl '02 set for the Caribbean!
The Perl Whirl '02 conference agenda has been set: This year's Perl Whirl (dubbed Perl Whirl aught two) departs from Ft. Lauderdale on January 12, 2002 to the Eastern Caribbean.
Speakers include: Tim Bunce, Damian Conway, Mark-Jason Dominus, Randal Schwartz, Lincoln Stein, Nat Torkington, and Larry Wall.
This seven-night cruise-conference will stop in San Juan, Puerto Rico, the Bahamas, and St. Thomas.
In addition to the conference information available at the Geek Cruises Web site ( a full brochure is available online: Or, contact Neil Bauman ( if you'd like to receieve the full-color printed brochure in the mail."