If you're interested in peer-to-peer programming, distributed computing, Java, JXTA, or other such beasties, Nyk Cowham has some good news for you:
" Sun Microsystems launched their Open Source Project JXTA in April to develop a peer-to-peer (p2p) messaging layer that will be platform, transport and language independent. The reference implementation was written in Java and there are projects under way to implement C/C++ and J2ME bindings to the protocol.
Yesterday the Sun Community Project Manager Juan Carlos Soto approved a project proposal to implement JXTA in Perl. The project is called JXTAperl and can be found at: http://jxtaperl.jxta.org/servlets/ProjectHome.
Anyone who is interested in P2P and distributed computing will find this an exciting cutting-edge technology to work on. If you would be interested in contributing some time to the development effort (this includes writing documentation, website management, etc) I will be happy to hear from you. Please also feel free to pass this message on to others who may be interested."