Final plea for humor!

KM on 2001-07-23T22:49:39

cwest writes "Please, oh please, stop me in the hall, call my room (264, east), do what ever it takes to tell me who you will be impresinating at the BoF tonight! This is me ( picture taken minutes ago in gbarr's talk with bad lighting )."

If anything, come by and impersonate cwests pleading!

Z 7/24: Thanks, Casey, this was an incredibly cool event! (details below)

Leading off was Jeff Pinyan and his biographical sketch of Jarkko, followed by Ron Kimball's impression of "Damian Conway, Camel Hunter".

Nat Torkington did a pair of rants in the style of The Crocodile Hunter. The first was about a walkabout in the American Southwest where he finds the savior of the desert peoples, Gurusamy Sarathy. The second was another portrayal of Damian Conway.

Jon Orwant described the trials and tribulations of buying a 100 year old house (and a few p5p's that are ideally suited for being home inspectors). We closed out the night with a riteous improv comedy segment with Nat, Damian, Uri and Jeff.