YAPC::Europe reminders

pudge on 2001-05-14T15:32:46

jouke writes "I just wanted to remind everyone that the deadline for speech proposals for YAPC::Europe is in two weeks, on 1 June.

If you hadn't really thought about giving a speech because you don't think you could fill the entire time, or you're worried about speaking, consider giving a lightning talk. With only 5 minutes of time to fill, you could probably compose your speech during the conference! Just send a title and 1 line about the topic to papers@yapceurope.org. Or just mail if you can commit to giving a lightning talk, even if you haven't thought of a topic yet.

We're also looking for sponsors. If you know of companies that might be willing to sponsor the conference, mail Jouke Visser at sponsor@yapceurope.org.

Publicity is another area where we could use help. Suggestions and contacts for flyer distribution (such as at other conferences, meetings, etc) can be sent to Ann Barcomb (ann@yapceurope.org) We can probably work something out about how to send them to you..."