ziggy writes "It's finally here. CmdrTaco has announced that Slash 2.0.0 is out, thanks
to the hard working slash team: Pudge, CaptTofu, Pudge, Krow, Pudge, Cliff, Pudge, Jamie, Pudge, CowboyNeal and our very own Pudge.
Wheeeeee. As some of you know, use Perl has been running Slash 2.0 (prerelease versions) for some time, and while most of the improvements are under the hood, it does have some new user-visible features (like RSS 1.0 support and journals). See the story on slashcode.com.
Slash 2.0 is far more extensible and easy to modify than its predecessor, and we're hard at work on Slash 2.2 which will see even more user-visible features (like sending you email when your comment is moderated or replied to, or when a journal is updated, etc.).