Supercobra that Bytes writes "Our Metadot Portal Server software is entirely developed in Perl. It is the flagship Metadot product and is able to deliver 1 million dynamic pages a day on a Linux powered Pentium 600MHZ thanks to mod_perl. It is entirely written in object oriented Perl. See more and download it at"
Perl? Linux? Web Pages? Who knew? :-)
Looks good
Mark Thomas on 2001-03-09T18:53:30
I've been looking at building a weblog, and slash/scoop are overkill for me. This seems to be ideal--I like the customization that users can do. I only wish the admin had more customization options (such as themes). I can hack the perl and html, but I'm no artist.
phpNuke is a good example. It has many themes, and you can even make them user selectable (you have to login to change them).
Which brings me to another thing. You can't really tell what Metadot can do from browsing the site without logging in, and that's not clear. It would benefit potential users if there was an easily accessible feature tour with screenshots.
Re:Looks good
pudge on 2001-03-10T20:06:29
If you think Slash is overkill, you should check out
Slash again soon. We are just about finished with 2.0 (the site is running the 2.0 beta code), and it is far more stable, customizable, easier to install, extensible, etc. ad nauseum. An almost complete rewrite. It's going to take over the world!
Re:Looks good
gnat on 2001-03-16T01:50:23
Yeah, you're paid to say that. I'll bet it's
just a copy of Matt Wright's CrapBoard with
s{Matt Wright}{PVdG3 & D00dz Frendz!!!~1}g applied.
I read you like an open big-print glass book with no cover and lots of pictures, Pudge.
Re:Looks good
pudge on 2001-03-20T04:07:42
I was going to retort with something about how you suck at picking XFL games, but
... that might be something to be proud of.
Buzzword nonsense
ask on 2001-04-10T22:36:49
"METADOT: Enabling organizations to effectively
and efficiently transform their business operations
into Digital Workspaces"
That sounds like something the
buzz generator came up with.
- ask
Re:Buzzword nonsense
hex on 2007-04-02T09:57:01
I am unfortunate enough to work at a company that uses Metadot. It is hands-down the worst product I have ever had to support. When you are personally acquainted with how bad the code is (Google Code Search has it), the above buzzword nonsense becomes even more risible.