Michael Schwern has started the smokers@perl.org mailing list, devoted to daily build and smoke tests, whereby an entire system is built and tested every night to see if anything was broken during the day's work: "Turn it on, see if it smokes." Subscribe at smokers-subscribe@perl.org and see the mailing list archive at http://archive.develooper.com/smokers@perl.org/.
List changed to daily-build
darno on 2001-02-20T02:44:16
After a small dispute over the naming scheme, the 'smokers' list was renamed to 'daily-build' instead. 'smokers' was retained as an alias, however.
Re:List changed to daily-build
gaudior on 2001-02-20T12:57:07
the 'smokers' list was renamed to 'daily-build' instead
That's too bad. Apparently, there isn't enough humor left in the world.
Re:List changed to daily-build
pudge on 2001-02-20T14:30:57
Or, perhaps, there is too much, and we are trying to conserve.
Re:List changed to daily-build
gnat on 2001-02-23T00:17:00
It's less a lack of humour than the fact that
when confronted with any new and brilliant project, people will immediately smile warmly and then turn all their efforts to arguing about the name. If it had been called "daily-build" in the first place, a fight would still have raged intensely across six mailing lists for two weeks until finally it was renamed to "nightly-build" because technically the build only happens after patches are checked in at night.
Who me, cynical? :-)
Re:List changed to daily-build
gaudior on 2001-02-23T18:51:54
Presumably, 'nightly' refers to the location of the server-farm doing the build? What if it's distributed globally?
Re:List changed to daily-build
pudge on 2001-02-27T16:37:28
Eh, I don't think it is that bad. I think there were more people who were more upset about the people complaining than there were actually complaining. Most of the original complainants didn't even seem to be arguing. They stated they wanted it changed, and then everyone jumped on them for it. It seems we would have been better off if people just let the complainers speak their mind and let it drop.