Local YAPC?

jjohn on 2000-08-01T03:11:08

asy writes "How would I go about starting a local YAPC? Would there be any legal issues? I'm thinking of something like YAPC-Utah or YAPC-West. Any ideas?" Good question. Is this something Yet Another Society should address?

YAS and who else?

pate on 2000-08-02T12:59:41

I'd be very interested in seeing regional YAPCs, and would like to see YAS work with local PM groups to get them off the ground.

This can be a lot of work (I tried to help out with a local linux conference a couple of years ago, but it never really got off the ground). How could YAS make this easier for local groups to do?

  • Maintain a global calendar to help prevent overlap.
  • Maintain a speaker/presenter registry.
  • Create a 'YAPC-Howto', with notes on planning, organizing, scheduling, advertising, and evangalizing the events.

I'm probably missing some things here, but perhaps the idea could be kicked around to come up with a more complete list.


Re:YAS and who else?

jon peterson on 2000-08-02T17:39:10

I'm thinking of doing a 'how to organise a YAPC' lightning talk at YAPC Europe.

The basic rule in this stuff (i.e. any volunteer excercise) is 'just do it'. The Internet and mailing lists promote much gossip, discussion, opinion forming etc, which is fine but the road to apathy is paved with good intentions.

Dive in and start doing stuff. Meet up in real life. Things that helped with YAPC Europe have been:

1. Sell early bird tickets. This gives you (and prospective venues etc) a warm fuzzy feeling of having a known sum of money available.

2. Get a venue. No one will believe it is really going to happen until then.

A HOWTO would be really good. Maybe we can do one after YAPC::E

Re:YAS and who else?

dumrats on 2000-08-03T08:51:43

  • 3.) set up 2 mailing lists, web server and a CVS server
    • 2 mailing lists one for announcements and one for organisers
    • a CVS for documents such as press releases, sponsor packs, etc.
    • the web server should be fairly obvious
  • 4.) as jobs come up ask for volunteers to help to take responsibility, some of the jobs are ...
    • Sponsor liason
    • Web Master
    • Venue Organiser
    • Accomodation Organiser
    • Treasurer
We'll all get together after Y::E with Kevin and write a full guide. As far as YAS is concerend I'd suggest getting a venue and working out a basic proposal, assuming it looks realistic and in line with the YAPC spirit i'm 95% sure YAS will help in any way it can, by helping with contacts, promotion - probably even some cash.

Re:YAS and who else?

acme on 2000-08-04T14:46:52

A list of standard announcement document and suchlike would indeed help a lot. That way we won't make mistakes like missing URL's off etc.

OTOH How many events is YAS prepared to give the YAPC name to? If we start getting two UK, two German, Amsterdam, Italian conferences a year, will they all get the YAPC name?

How Many YAPCs?

pate on 2000-08-04T17:36:38

This is a good question. I'd guess that YAS could divvy things out one of two ways:

  • Geographically, each region (US-NE, US-SE, US-MidWest, US-NW, US-SW, EU-Northern, EU-Southern, etc.) This leads to the questions:
    • How large is a region?
    • What role should political boundaries play in regions (e.g., US and CA)?
    • How do you split places like South America, Africa, and Asia?
  • Chronologically, YAS could recognize 4/12/whatever YAPCs per year. Each local group trying to put one on would have to register with YAS to get the time slot. (Preference (or anti-preference) could be given to a YAPC that held the previous year.)

Again, I may be babbling here ... feel free to ignore me.

Re:YAS and who else?

supakoo on 2000-08-08T21:41:55

Ummmm ... isn't this what Perl Mongers are all about? Local groups of perl folk meeting, sharing, etc.? Or am I missing something?