ask bjoern hansen writes "We just announced the mailinglist. It is a moderated list for announcements of new lists, RFCs, working groups, and so on.
If you want to be involved or just follow perl6 development, this is the first list to sign up to. You can do so by sending an empty mail to"
Good. Let's hope this list doesn't stay as off-topic as the other one.
it will be moderated ...
ask on 2000-07-31T17:25:35
as I said, it will be moderated, so if it goes off-topic there's only me to beat up to get it fixed.
- ask
Re:it will be moderated ...
hfb on 2000-07-31T21:09:08
"The beatings will continue until morale improves."
Re:it will be moderated ...
pudge on 2000-07-31T23:42:47
Re:it will be moderated ...
ask on 2000-08-01T09:21:27
uhu, should I be afraid now? I'll arm myself with a huge pile of bounce messages.
- ask