Lightning Talks Scheduled for yapc 19100

pudge on 2000-06-15T19:41:28

Mark-Jason Dominus writes "I have selected the sixteen talks for the YAPC 19100 Lightning Talks sessions. Each talk will be five minutes long.

The list of talks and tentative schedule is available online."

A great idea with a very cool lineup of talks. Sounds like fun. Especially Nat's What Is It With Those Python Fucks, Anyway? talk.


jns on 2000-06-16T08:34:15

* Types of Perl Programmer Greg McCarroll (2:50)

But the only type of Perl Programmer Grep ever meets are drunk ones ;-}


Re: the Python talk

gnat on 2000-06-16T21:32:39

I do want to make it quite clear that while the title of the Python talk is quite obnoxious, it is only a joke. Not all Python people are assholes, not all Perl people are assholes either. My talk is more of a rant, directed against the Python advocates who embody the worst attributes of Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons, nagging and arguing beyond the call of sanity, that Python is the One True Holy Language. I have nothing against people who choose to use Python and don't feel that that means the rest of the world should too.

The point of my advocacy talk is that you can advocate a language (Perl as well as Python) without being an idiot about it. The point of the Python talk is to let me vent in a safe controlled environment, and hopefully amuse others.

So if you do turn up to the talk, do expect it to be funny, and do expect it to be honest. Also expect it to contain some naughty words (like "whitespace :-)

Re: the Python talk

ajs on 2000-06-17T18:18:58

Ah, so it's a talk about how some Python advocates are crossing the line and starting to sound like Tom Christensen? ;-)

What would be useful is aiming it more toward potential advocates and saying, "here's how to advocate without alienating." One of the best ways to do this is to take the attitude that the right tool for the job is the best tool for the job, nothing more, nothing less. There are times when the right tool for the job is a language that you may not care for, or which may have serious failings, but that shouldn't matter if it's the best tool.

Good luck with the talk.